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Thursday, September 23, 2010

My new school

My school is Sri Pelita. Primary and secondary sri Pelita are going to move to General college next year on January. It is really bigger than the current place. It is a suitable place for students. There got football field, vollayball court, batminton court and basketball court. The environment there are very good. There are two building. One is for secondary sri Pelita, there got ping-pong table behind the school. Another one is for primary but I don't know that much about it.
My house is very far away from my new school. My new school is suitable for study but not suitable for me to go there atall so I have to move my house.

Thursday, August 19, 2010


More than 1ooo before christ,the first Olympic sport is in the Olympus mountain, Greece. Guy use to ware nothing to play a sport so girl can't go and see. Later place is increase popular so on the mountain is not enought place. 776 BC moved down to the hillside.
Baron Pierre de melon is the people who prepare the Olympic to be popular again. Athan Greece is the first place that have Olympic game in the modern time. Second and third is France, United State Of America. the sport in the Olympic are diving, basketball, softball, tennis volleyball, swimming, badminton, handball, hockey, baseball, boxing and etc.

Friday, August 6, 2010


Junk food is the food that have less nutritious. The energy is mostly like sugar, fat, starch and a component protein, vitamins, minerals rare example snake salty sweet candy, gum sweets all kind of food.

junk food can make you fat easily. When you eat junk food it's like you are killing yourself. The diseaes that you can gets from junk food are hyperlipidemia, high blood obesity, diabates, and many others is not likely to meet in age a little. Bad junk food name is chocolate,candy french fries,kentucky fried chicken pizza and many other

junk food are popular food malnutrition. Necessary to work several type of body. On the other hand. it's have some energy or nutrients. That the imbalance needs.


Thailand is the country in south of asia. There are 77 provincies in the country. Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand. The famous provinces is Songkhla, Phuket, Bangkok, Krabi, Trang, Chieangmai and Chieandrai. My hometown is in Hatyai distric Songkhla Province. There have a lot of things to buy. Tourist use to buy food and clothes there. The places that tourist use to go is Leegarden Plaza and Central shopping mall. The king of Thailand is King Chulalongkorn. He is a hard working and kind man. Every people in Thailand respsct him like father. When he sick most of people in Thailnd cry and worry about him. Nobody don't love him. He is the world leaderintellectual property. He is the first in the world.

I come from Thailand. Everyone know Thai food is very famous. Thai food is very spicy. We use to put a lot of spices and spicy. The Thai famous food is Tom Yam. It' spicy and red in colour. The ingredients are lemangrass, citrus, lemon, spicy and some meet chicken or fish. first pot a lemongrass citrus into the pot. socond is put meet then put spicy and lemon the last.

Actually Tom Yam is not famous in Thailand. The famous food in Thailand is Gangsom. It's very spicy and sour. It's have red in colour. Every Thai people use to eat it. the ingradients are spicies, garlic, curcuma, lemon and fish.

World cup 2010

World cup have one time in four month and it will change hte country on step. One country a time. Last time it's was 24 teams in world cup but now it have 32 teams. The first world cup is on 1930 at Uruguay. There was 13 teams in that time and Uruguay was the winner.

The world 2010 is in Africa. The 32 teams in world cup 2010 are Australia, Japan, Korea DPR, Korea Republic, Algeria Cameroon, Ghana, Nigeria, South Africa, Honduras, Mexico, United states, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Paraguat, Uruguay, New Zealand, Denmark, England, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovania, Spain, Switzerland.

I love to cheer spain. They are really good in football. They have technic for play it. They never lose in 10 match. Fernando Terest is one of member in spain team. He is a good player. He come from Liverpool team in England. He is the front player.

when you cheer foot ball you need to cheer in the right way and don't play the gamble with it.

My bestfriend

When I was in Thailand I have four bestfriends. Sure, they are Thai. The first person is Lin. She is tall and slim. She has big eyes. she is a talkative girl and good in science. Second is Mos. She has black skin but her heart is very white, she is kind and always help each other. She love to sing, her voice is seem like glass. Third is Seefar. She is short and big eyes. She is clevr girl. She really love to study and never lazy. she is same agewith me. She want to be a doctor so now she study a university education. Forth is Khing. she is very greedy so she always want me to pay for her but I never pay for her. she always imagine about handsome boy and draw it picture in the paper then stic on each other tables.
Now I am studying in Sri Pelita school. I have one best friend. her name is Hae In. She is Korean. She is good in education so she always teach me mathematics and english. I learn a lot of word in english and korean from her. She love to eat sushi like me so we often hang out together. We have the same habits like we love to eat, we love to watch movie and we love to sing. When I talk with her I fell happy and not shy atall so sometimes when I have problems I tell her then she helps me to slove a problem.
Last time I have ond best friend in Thai But two years ago she died. she was very kind girl and always help each other. When I have problem she was alwaya understand me and helped me to sloved a problem. She died because of an acident on the road. She live in Hatyai. the day before she died she went to had tuition in Bangkok so the way when so gonna go back Hatyai she

Monday, July 5, 2010

What is the most important word in the English language?

themost important word in English is PLEASE. It is a magic word. Becausethis word can make people feel want to dawhatever when I say please. When I say that word I feel good with it. And I think this word is for a people that have a good manners always say the word