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Friday, August 6, 2010


Thailand is the country in south of asia. There are 77 provincies in the country. Bangkok is the capital city of Thailand. The famous provinces is Songkhla, Phuket, Bangkok, Krabi, Trang, Chieangmai and Chieandrai. My hometown is in Hatyai distric Songkhla Province. There have a lot of things to buy. Tourist use to buy food and clothes there. The places that tourist use to go is Leegarden Plaza and Central shopping mall. The king of Thailand is King Chulalongkorn. He is a hard working and kind man. Every people in Thailand respsct him like father. When he sick most of people in Thailnd cry and worry about him. Nobody don't love him. He is the world leaderintellectual property. He is the first in the world.

I come from Thailand. Everyone know Thai food is very famous. Thai food is very spicy. We use to put a lot of spices and spicy. The Thai famous food is Tom Yam. It' spicy and red in colour. The ingredients are lemangrass, citrus, lemon, spicy and some meet chicken or fish. first pot a lemongrass citrus into the pot. socond is put meet then put spicy and lemon the last.

Actually Tom Yam is not famous in Thailand. The famous food in Thailand is Gangsom. It's very spicy and sour. It's have red in colour. Every Thai people use to eat it. the ingradients are spicies, garlic, curcuma, lemon and fish.

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